CommBank Yello & Vrewards members save more on movie vouchers. See your exclusive offers, available for a limited time only.
CommBank Yello & Vrewards members save more on movie vouchers. See your exclusive offers, available for a limited time only.
You must use an eligible CommBank credit or debit card to complete the purchase.
Each eVoucher & gifting experience package has it's own length of expiration - please refer to the terms and conditions of each product prior to purchasing.
There are no age restrictions on most movie experience gift packages, apart from our gifting packages that includes child tickets (Family Movie Experience eVoucher, Vjunior Experience eVoucher and the Kids Experience eVoucher). The child tickets can be redeemed by kids 14 years old and below.
Please allow up to 24 hours before attempting to redeem a Village Cinemas eVoucher.
No, you don't. However please ensure the recipient already has a Vrewards membership and if not, encourage them to sign up for free before attempting to redeem their eVoucher.
Upon redemption, the recipient must either be logged into their Vrewards account when purchasing online or if purchasing on site, a valid Vrewards membership ID must be presented.
If the recipient does not have a Vrewards membership, you can encourage them to sign up for free here